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Home Âť Membership

Many member organisations from all across the world make up the Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL. Companies, associations, research institutions, administrations, and government officials have come together to work on a groundbreaking project for the digital economy of tomorrow: Gaia-X. The original 22 member organisations have now blossomed to more than 340 member organisations.

Members Directory

Wishing to know which are the members that have entrusted us and are now part of our crew?

Check them out here!

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How to join

Do you wish to join Gaia-X? Follow these 4 steps and off you go!

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Join Gaia-X’s Members Platform

Are you a current or new member and wish to collaborate with Gaia-X in real time? How about looking further and contributing to our Members Platform?

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