In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the secure, trustful and transparent exchange of data is essential for industries, innovation and growth. Trust is the prerequisite for the data economy and for the promise of data sovereignty, transparency and interoperability. Governments, organisations and individuals only share their data if they can expect the other participants to respect the policies and the rules.
Gaia-X is creating the de facto standard aligned with EU values by developing a set of policies, rules, specifications and a verification framework
Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses are at the forefront of this evolution, providing a groundbreaking framework for federated data exchange, ensuring trust, transparency and interoperability independent of single central authorities.

Operationalise trusted decentralized digital ecosystems
With the innovative concept of Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses (GXDCHs), the Gaia-X Framework is operationalised promoting decentralised data and cloud infrastructure, avoiding reliance on single points of control and avoiding vendor lock-in.
In simple words: Whether you are a data provider looking to share valuable insights or a data consumer seeking reliable and compliant data sources, GXDCHs offer the federated infrastructure needed to support secure, efficient, and future-proof data exchanges.
The Gatekeeper of the digital economy.
At their core, GXDCHs serve as trusted intermediaries within the Gaia-X community, facilitating the seamless and secure flow of data between different entities. The concept of ‘federated’ is integral to their operation. In a federated model, data remains decentralized and under the control of its owners, while still being accessible to authorized users across different organisations and jurisdictions. This approach allows for a highly secure, scalable, and interoperable environment where data providers and consumers can interact without compromising data sovereignty or compliance.
By leveraging GXDCHs, businesses, organisations and natural persons can participate in a federated network that ensures the integrity of data exchanges. The decentralized GXDCHs verify the legitimacy of participants and services, enforce compliance with declared regulations. As a result, they enable a trusted space for data sharing, empowering
What’s a clearing house?
The one-stop place to go and get verified against the Gaia-X rules to obtain compliance in an automated way.
The GXDCH is the necessary element to operationalise Gaia-X in the market. The Gaia-X Framework describes functional specifications, technical requirements, and software assets necessary to get Gaia-X Compliance. The GXDCH are a network of execution nodes for the compliance components that we have developed. This safeguards the distributed, decentralised ways of running the Gaia-X compliance, not operated centrally by the Association, and where anybody can benefit from the open, transparent, and secure federated services – thus making the Gaia-X mission a reality.
Meet our Clearing Houses
WHO can become a Gaia-X Digital Clearing House (GXDCH)?
- Each GXDCH must provide public services to implement the compulsory elements necessary to achieve Gaia-X compliance (under the sole governance of the AISBL);
- Any Gaia-X adopter (user, provider, federator) can use any GXDCH to obtain compliance, join a federation, become a federator (or additional services)
- GXDCH acts as a one-stop place for Gaia-X services facilitating the concentration and match of Demand and Offer
How to become a GXDCH
How to become a Gaia-X Conformant Service