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Vision & Mission

Home Β» What is Gaia-X Β» Vision & Mission


Enable trusted decentralised digital ecosystems


Creating the de facto standard aligned with EU values by developing a set of policies, rules, specifications and a verification framework

Please check the vision strategy publication here.

Who is behind Gaia-X?

Representatives from business, politics, academia, research, technology, policy, government, and science from Europe and beyond collaborate to build a federated and secure data infrastructure ecosystem.

Companies and citizens collect and exchange data, ultimately retaining full control: deciding where to store and what happens with their data.

The Association defines the architecture, policy and rules, labelling, and compliance requirements, fully engaging and representing over 300 members – all taking up specific tasks and truly promoting international cooperation.

For instance, the Gaia-X Hubs act as the voice of user ecosystems on a national level. Their main objectives are to bundle national initiatives, develop ecosystems, and provide a central point of contact to interested parties in their respective countries.

The demand in practice

Today, many small and medium-sized businesses build individual interfaces for data exchange and interoperability solutions with each individual customer on a regular basis. This is time-consuming and costly. Gaia-X will provide common data-exchange mechanisms that adhere to the common needs of trust.

Today’s data is geographically dispersed and difficult to move in a single location. Furthermore, many users do not want or are unable to move from where they are, but the current Cloud offering is dominated by a few players offering a hyper-verticalised model. With Gaia-X, a federation of interoperable cloud nodes will be able to provide the critical mass and geographical distribution required to elaborate data, while minimising transport.

Nowadays, commercial leading Digital Platforms use proprietary, non-interoperable technologies that concern and make users reluctant in adoption. Gaia-X will provide mechanisms to verify the real level of interoperability.

Cloud adoption is now at 26% in Europe. This implies that the majority of our data and apps are still inaccessible and unexchangeable. Gaia-X will develop a framework allowing people to make informed decisionsΒ when exchanging data,Β based on European values.

Gaia-X will provide a genuine alternative by reducing the barriers to cloud adoption associated with a lack of confidence and freedom of choice; and it will speed the creation of innovative solutions in a secure and trusted environment for a thriving European digital economy.

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