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Gaia-X Hackathon #1 – New Technology Develops Live Today and Tomorrow

30 August 2021, Brussels, BE β€” Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBLΒ will have itsΒ Hackathon #1Β under AISBL’s Open Work Package β€žMinimal Viable Gaia-X and Pilotingβ€œ and supported by many Working Groups and Open Work Packages. Within two days, beginning today and ending tomorrow, over 150 participants will focus on specific components of the Gaia-X architecture, like Service Self-descriptions, Service Orchestration, Service Identity and Access Management, and Federated Interconnection/Networking. We intend to address new components in the next Hackathons.

Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO of the Gaia-X AssociationΒ states: β€œlaunching ourΒ Gaia-X Hackathon #1Β we invite all our members and community to show up, truly engaging each other do the things they know best, regardless of their role in an organisation, company size or their nationality. Gaia-X is becoming a reality day by day, and we are proud of that. We are committed toΒ move from concepts to code, from use cases to business cases, ultimately building the best engine of the Digital Infrastructures’ world championship”.

This Hackathon is only the launch of more Gaia-X Hackathons planned in 2021. Hackathon #2 will only be a month away.

During these two days, we aim to test open-source software with protocols that are of interest to Gaia-X. By engaging our entire community, the Association intends to further enable and increase its members; improve the community’s technical competence and knowledge and develop consistent approaches around different ideas, concepts, and pilots.