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Why We Still Find It Difficult to Create Value From Data

Gaia-X, GXFS

Andreas Weiss & Thomas Sprenger


Silicon Valley invented the Internet and the cloud – and thus the infrastructure for the data economy of the 21st century. And what does Europe bring to the game? We contribute our political know-how: for a federation with fair rules, reliable standards and public technology. This is because there is still a lack of framework conditions to enable companies, public authorities and citizens to share data securely and use it productively together. Find out in our blog series how the European Gaia-X initiative is becoming the β€˜operating system’ for the Digital Single Market in Europe.

Every month from now on, we will guide you through the world of Gaia-X on LinkedIn and onΒ Follow how the digital economy is taking shape bit by bit on our continent. Our analyses give you insight into how value creation from data works in concrete terms – and where it is currently still failing. Read about the rules of the game we need to ensure that competition, transparency and the protection of trade secrets, intellectual property and our privacy also apply in digitalised markets. In interviews, we also introduce you to the people who are working on Gaia-X and, in doing so, have a significant influence on the technological transformation of the European economy.

Follow Andreas Weiss here on LinkedIn or visit us atΒ We will, of course, also recommend and comment on relevant articles in other media.

Heading this series of articles isΒ Andreas Weiss. As Head of Digital Business Models at the eco Association and Director of EuroCloud Deutschland, Andreas Weiss is very well connected within the Internet and cloud industry in Europe. He brings this experience to bear as the project lead for GXFS. This project coordinates the development of the core technologies for Gaia-X, the so-calledΒ Federation Services, under the leadership of eco. GXFS is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and works in close exchange with theΒ Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL). Weiss is supported in this blog byΒ Thomas Sprenger, an author and copywriter who has been writing about digital transformation for twenty years.

Two years ago, the then German Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, was met with scepticism when he presented the European Gaia-X initiative at the Digital Summit in Dortmund. The fact that the project was inspired by an ancient Greek goddess did not exactly instil confidence. Nevertheless, its name points in the right direction: Named after the ancientΒ earth goddess Gaia, one of the first deities to emerge from chaos, Gaia-X is designed to bring order to the European cloud economy.

Today, no one disputes that data is becoming the central resource in the 21st century. But who exactly sets the rules of the game for the digital economy has not yet been determined. So far, a handful of private companies from the U.S. and China are determining what is technically feasible. Their cloud platforms make the exchange and processing of vast amounts of data on a global scale possible in the first place.

Today, innovations such as new vaccines, connected industrial production or Smart Cities are created from data and data streams. What makes this data so valuable is that it is linked. In modern societies, very different actors and organisations are collecting and storing more and more data, increasingly even in real time. Sharing this data creates knowledge, new capabilities and technologies.

For companies, however, their own data is an asset worth protecting. They safeguard their trade secrets and intellectual property. Companies will only share willingly if they do not have to relinquish sovereignty over their data. This is not just a question of effective laws, such as for data protection. Technical procedures and standards that make data-sovereign collaboration practicable are also indispensable. A political-technical operating system for digitalised markets is lacking.

How promising value creation from data is in theory, and how difficult data sovereignty is in practice, is shown by theΒ search for munition wasteΒ from the last two world wars, of which 1.6 million tons are still rotting in the North and Baltic Seas. Waiting is not an option: After decades in the aggressive saltwater, the bullet casings are now dissolving, poisoning the marine environment and making salvage increasingly risky.

The problem is: Today, no one knows where the munition waste was dumped. But perhaps data will reveal their position. At least, that’s what the founders of the start-upΒ north.ioΒ believe. The AmuCad project aims to decipher the deposits of toxic substances from data on water samples, fish stocks, the composition of the seabed and local ocean currents.

All necessary data is available. But linking the data is difficult because it is collected by different actors: research institutions, international organisations, NGOs and companies. Before third parties are allowed to access it, a whole series of questions must be clarified:

  • How can data in Cloud A be linked to a digital service in Cloud B?
  • How is access regulated in a transparent and traceable manner?
  • How do data owners, data users and service providers prove their identity? Who controls their access?
  • How is it ensured that the data is only used for the specified purpose?
  • Where can you find powerful services that offer the appropriate level of security for each class of data?
  • How can such collaborations be regulated without data protection reports, bilateral contracts with all stakeholders, specially programmed interfaces and technical stopgap solutions, but instead fully automated and at the click of a mouse?

Problems of the same kind arise in connected industrial production when companies in the supply chain share and process sensitive data in real time. Or when health ministries want to derive the connection between vaccination and incidence rates from various data on a daily basis. Or if ship owners want to use theΒ ocean dataΒ from our example to optimise ship routes based on local ocean currents instead of searching for munitions. Or if researchers are looking for suitable cultivation areas for seagrass in order to use it to bind CO2 on a large scale.

It always becomes difficult when we want to link data from different originators, from external sources and systems. By now, at the latest, it also becomes obvious that no single platform or cloud provider of any size could cut the Gordian knot on its own unless all players store their data on its platform.

But how do we want to make sharing isolated data easier and more secure in the future, even for SMEs, NGOs, research departments and government agencies – so that not only digital platform monopolists have access to it?

Laws, rules and standards as we know them today, i.e. on paper, read and applied by people, are not up to this task. Technology is needed to automate the application and upholding of these norms. They must become an integral part of our technical infrastructure.

This is what Germany and France set out to do when they launched Gaia-X at the end of 2019. The European initiative aims to ensure data sovereignty and data availability for companies, organisations and citizens in the digital economy. And last but not least: To drive innovation and value creation from data. To this end, Gaia-X is setting out to network the cloud services of European providers into an ecosystem with common rules, standards and technologies. Non-European providers are also welcome, provided they commit to these rules.

According to theΒ concept paperΒ of the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs (BMWi), Gaia-X will consist of three components:

  • Rules
  • Standards
  • Technical infrastructure

To further the venture, a number of German and French organisations founded theΒ Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL). The association coordinates the work of Gaia-X. National hubs organise cooperation in the EU Member States and coordinate Gaia-X research projects. In turn, companies and organisations are joining forces in individual data rooms to develop rules and technologies for individual industries and subject areas. For instance, from our above example, Marispace-Xis the name of the dataspace from our data-based munitions search. Here, companies, research institutions, NGOs and government institutions want to cooperate to use data on oceans for new insights and value creation.

Ecosystems, hubs, data spaces? Welcome to the European digital economy in the 21st century. In the next instalment in this series, read about why the cloud industry doesn’t need a second Airbus consortium and why an ecosystem is a better response to the platform economy. In later articles, we will again take a look at Marispace-X as well as other examples from other industries and topic areas. In the process, we will always introduce you to the driving forces, pioneers and organisers of the many initiatives. Thank you for following us this far. We look forward to taking you on this journey of discovery.

See you soon,

Andreas Weiss & Thomas Sprenger