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Blog Articles

Gaia-X’s Hackathon #6 Concludes

The Gaia-X Open-Source Software (OSS) Community hosted its sixth Hackathon on 3&4th of May in Bilbao, Spain. It was the first time the developers met face to face to hack together and the first time we had a competition around it, awarding prizes in cash

European data project Gaia-X picks up speed

After the first steps towards a sovereign and trustworthy European data infrastructure, the Gaia-X project is now set to gain momentum. The starting signal for its broad implementation will be given at the Market-X event in Vienna in mid-March. The Austrian-German research project “EuProGiant” is

Gaia-X: Creating Trusted Data Infrastructure

Data is the new oil. Cloud technology is the backbone of the global economy today. However, in Europe, the level of adoption of cloud technology is currently below 25%, and this is an indicator of the lack of trust. Without a definition of the rules

Gaia-X: Compliance as Code

By Gaia-X CTO Pierre Gronlier Following on the previous Gaia-X Compliance article, today’s article will focus on a term introduced a few months ago in Gaia-X, “Compliance as Code“: what is it, why we need it and how to use it. Let’s start in January

Gaia-X Compliance Service deployment scenario

At Gaia-X, we are developing a digital governance based on regulatory, industry standards and requirements from our members contributing to the project (large and small industries, providers and users of technologies, academics, and trade association) to let them define the rules and characteristics necessary to fulfil the real market expectations.

Data Governance act: mediating between the EU regulations and the Industry

The Data Governance Act is the new regulatory framework created by the European Union to promote data exchange between companies and public institutions and take advantage of the economic and scientific potential of the data. After its approval in the European Parliament and Council, the Data Governance Act is now a reality.

Earth Observation Data Analysis: The Importance of the Gaia-X Project

Earth observation data is a unique source of information. It can be combined with administrative, social, and economic data at multiple scales for an in-depth policy analysis. In the era of big data, the explosive growth of Earth observation data and the rapid advancement in cloud computing technology necessitate for a European digital ecosystem that advances innovations and new data-driven services and applications.

The Power of Data in Healthcare: Unlocking a European vision

During the Healthcare data innovation conference held in Brussels, on 21 June 2022, a white paper entitled: “Unlocking the Power of Data in Healthcare – a European vision” was presented and discussed. The new white paper called for the removal of the regulatory barriers to exploit the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to save lives and cut costs in healthcare.

Gaia-X: The democratic and legal aspects of the visionary European cloud project

This article addresses the equal opportunities and project benefits that the Association provides for all open source and cloud businesses, irrespective of their size and origin. Moreover, it elaborates on our non-discrimination and non-compete clauses as per the Articles of the Association of Gaia-X and the letter of comfort that DG CONNECT, European Commissions had issued earlier this year.