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EuProGigant reaches important milestone

Stefanie Mehlhorn (EIT Manufacturing)

The second EuProGigant milestone meeting took place on 10 March, in Darmstadt. The meeting focused on the progress surrounding, resulting use cases, and how the project represents a Gaia-X compliant ecosystem with a concrete business model and associated requirements.

Prof. Matthias Weigold, Head of the Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) at the TU Darmstadt, opened the milestone meeting at the university’s Wilhelm-KĂśhler-Hall with the support of its committed project partners and the funding authorities. In his welcoming speech, he emphasised the importance of the research project, aiming to build a cross-location, digitally networked production ecosystem. Dr. Dominik Rohrmus, Chief Operating Officer of the Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL, also underlined the important role of EuProGigant as a Gaia-X lighthouse project and signpost for a competitive, European industry.

Four thematic working groups led by the project teams are currently designing seven use cases to address important challenges of the production industry:

  • CO2-footprint in production engineering and manufacturing: providing CO2 equivalent data in the product design phase to influence the carbon footprint in product manufacturing.
  • Validation platform: enabling cross-company cooperation to create a database from test stands for condition monitoring.
  • Component matching: securing optimised, data-based combination of assembly components.
  • Mobile processing machines: processing and supporting the usage of large data amounts in the mobile use of machines.

Markus Weber, Head of Research at PTW, presented in detail the working groups and progress made so far and provided an outlook on upcoming working packages.

Felix Hoffmann, research associate at PTW discussed about the future, data-driven business models and how these can concretely work in the context of Gaia-X. He highlighted important parameters and processes that are significant to develop new business models and presented initial approaches on how the exchange of information on Gaia-X and its payment could be implemented. In terms of the future progress of the project, a suitable business model for each use case will be developed, focusing to design possible payment mechanisms and pricing strategies.

Benjamin Brockhaus and Stefan Dumss, research assistants at PTW and the Institute for Mechanical Engineering Informatics and Virtual Product Development (MIVP) at the TU Wien, respectively, delivered on insights surrounding the digital architectures of Gaia-X and the EuProGigant use cases.

The next milestone meeting is scheduled for 28 September 2022.