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Gaia-X Association Announces Virtual Summit Celebrating Innovative Data Infrastructure System

26 October 2021 – Brussels, Belgium – Gaia-X Association, AISBL a leading professional organisation, releasing the Gaia-X standard- a data infrastructure ecosystem that is open, transparent, and secure – has announced hosting an exclusive summit from 18- 19 November 2021.

A highly anticipated event, the virtual Gaia-X Summit will highlight the release of the next phase of Gaia-X research, development and progress made so far, while equally featuring an exciting collection of key speakers, reverent sponsors.

Boris Otto, Fraunhofer Institute states: “Gaia-X is the key initiative in Europe’s journey towards a fair data economy. We will together implement our vision of “cloud and data sovereignty by design”.

The virtual Gaia-X Summit next month will include over 310 Gaia-X member organisations, each committed to connecting existing infrastructure systems across geographic boundaries to create a homogeneous, user-friendly alternative for the future.

“We are excited to host this virtual summit,” remarked Max Ahrens, Chairman of Gaia-X. “It is time to prioritise European data infrastructure that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty and innovation,” they added.

Several representatives from politics, business, and science and the press will also be present. The virtual celebration has been labelled a must-attend event for leaders in data infrastructure, as the latest developments of the Gaia-X project and visions for its future will be on full display. Gaia-X’s mission to connect key leaders in politics, business, and science to create a federated and secure data infrastructure has never been stronger.

“We are looking forward to this summit and releasing the next phase of Gaia-X,” remarked Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO of Gaia-X. “A lot has happened since last year’s summit that took place exactly on the same dates. We have evolved the Gaia-X concept in the technical architecture. We have defined dozens of Data Space use cases. We have started lighthouse projects. We have specified the roadmap for our deliverables that will see the light by the end of this year. This summit will be a unique opportunity to see Gaia-X coming alive in the way it was promised. We walk the talk!”,” he highlighted.

The Gaia-X Association is thankful for its corporate sponsors and members. Their support has made this virtual summit possible, while presenting their contribution to Gaia-X equally shows their interest and willingness for this project to succeed.

Indeed, the continued generosity from sponsors and members alike is critical for continued infrastructure-based research and development in this area. The following registration link will secure a place at the Summit.

To learn more about Gaia-X and join the cause, click here.

#Summit21 Sponsors 

Visit the virtual exhibition booths to learn more about our sponsors.

Founding Members

De-Cix, B1 Systems, Ocean Protocol, A1 Digital, Noovle, Aruba S.p.A, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, OpenNebula, VMware, SysEleven, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Amazon Web Services, Alibaba Cloud, COSMOplat, Huawei, Venture Leap (Non Members).

Mastercard, EIT manufacturing

EUHubs4Data, TNO, Open Telekom Cloud, Google Cloud

Media Partners

De-Cix, eco – Association of the Internet Industry