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Tech Monthly Newsletter – ISSUE #2 – 28 February 2022

Dear Tech Community,

Here is our latest Gaia-X technical news.

This month we share with you an overview of:

βœ”οΈ The Gaia X Trust Framework

βœ”οΈ The New Identity & Access Management subWG

βœ”οΈ The Gaia X Lab

βœ”οΈ The Hackathon

βœ”οΈ Tech Deep Dives

The Trust Framework


The Gaia-X Trust Framework (former Gaia-X Compliance), a key deliverable for the Gaia-X Association will soon be launched.

The Trust Framework enables transparency and trust. Putting a framework in place will help the user to control their level of autonomy and acceleration of our European digital transformation in a sovereign manner.

The Trust Framework is the set of rules that define the minimum baseline for participants and service offerings to be part of the Gaia-X Ecosystem.

All the updates about the Gaia-X trust framework are available here:

The new Identity & Access Management subWG


We are starting a new Identity & Access Management Sub-Working Group under the Federation Services Working Group.

This group will be the owner of the Federation Services IAM specifications.

The SubWG tasks will be provided through the mission document.

Share your input with our team! The Gaia-X members can join this SubWG. Wishing to receive more information regarding the onboarding process and increase your engagement and participation? Please contact Alessandra Perna atΒ

The Gaia-X Lab


We have recently created the Gaia-X Lab – a team of developers under the umbrella of the Gaia-X CTO office. Every interested party, either a member, or not can contribute and send merge-requests to the Gaia-X Lab team, that will in turn review them.

Read more about the Gaia-X Lab’s mission and deliverables on our wiki page here:Β

List of prototypes activities with active developers:

W3C Verifiable credential issuance


DID document + KYC

Decentralised services

Data connector

Policy engine with Gaia-X rules

The Hackathon Β 


The third Gaia-X Hackathon is scheduled on 28 – 29 March 2022 – an online workshop.

✨ The workshop aims to create engagement among the Gaia-X Community. Members and non-members are welcome to participate. Interested to know more about the workshop? Check out our wiki page here:

Six tracks have been identified:

⏭️Track 1: Newcomer Session

⏭️Track 2: Service & tool support

⏭️Track 3: Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS)

⏭️Track 4: “A Company That Makes Everything” – onboarding a new Gaia-X compliant provider

⏭️Track 5: Eclipse Dataspace Connector

⏭️Track 6:  Deployment / Minimal Viable Gaia-X Track

The event is organised under the umbrella of the Gaia-X Association, with the support of Eco, and Cloud and Heat Technologies GmbH.

Tech Deep Dives


Gaia-X Association has launched a series of Tech Deep Dives webinars featuring technical conversations with our CTO, Pierre Gronlier.

He will conduct an intense, in-depth analysis of topics that are relevant to all Gaia-X members and will give the opportunity to raise and clarify questions.

The upcoming Tech Deep Dives dates are:

– 23-Mar-22 Β Verifiable Credentials lifecycle

– 27-Apr-22 Β  Data Services

– 25 May 22Β  Gaia-X Lab update

Thank you for reading.