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Home » Press Releases » The Gaia-X Association European Data Infrastructure Summit concludes and thanks to its reverent speakers, participants, colleagues and friends

The Gaia-X Association European Data Infrastructure Summit concludes and thanks to its reverent speakers, participants, colleagues and friends

14 December 2021 – Brussels, Belgium – Gaia-X Association, a leading professional organisation released several results as part of its 2-day Summit, entitled “Deep dive from a vision to a tangible data infrastructure reality” that took place on 18-19 November 2021.

The two-day Summit focuses on internationalisation and realisation, with presentations related to the overall vision, strategy, and roadmap, clearly elaborating on the current state and next steps of the Gaia-X project, sharing key insights, and accomplished milestones, and clearly presenting the global impact of Gaia-X from a users’ and providers’ angle.

The Summit concludes with over 4000 constant attendees interacting with our speakers in real-time via; 300 social media posts, 700 mentions, 300K impressions and raised over 1.2 mn press value.

Our fully supportive audience came from all walks of life, such as CEOs, Head of Data, Head of Innovation, Policy Managers, IT Managers, Directors, Founders, Co-founders, Cloud Architects, General Managers, Innovation Managers, CTO’s, Seniors Consultants, Researchers, PhD, Developers, Business Development Managers, Marketing Managers.

48 countries were present during the event, including experts from Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, People’s Republic of China, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (Great Britain), United States of America.

Over 20 presentations and testimonials fully and clearly elaborated on important Business cases, Policy Rules and upcoming Federation Services, key insights from our International Hubs and Data Spaces the Labelling Framework, Comfort guidance from the Commission, in addition to key data infrastructure concepts with European policymakers and the highest standards of digital sovereignty and innovation.

High level addresses of Roberto Viola (Director-General DG CNECT, EC), Peter Altmaier (Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany) and Bruno Le Maire (Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery in Government France) may be seen at the links above.

Wishing to watch our video recordings? Click here.

Interested to download the presentations? Download here.

“Gaia-X is more than a tech initiative. It is an initiative for people like you and I. It will not discriminate among its members or their granted support. Our rules are open, inclusive, and transparent and already aligned with EU Competition Law. We work with small, medium, and large corporations, counting over 310 members, applying the same principles of transparency, objectivity, and non-discrimination and guarantee inclusiveness.”

Adding and growing this significant ecosystem is of utmost importance. The benefits of the proposed data infrastructure system will last for generations to come, making the next 2022 Summit a must-attend event for all involved.

Wishing to learn more, please check the final agenda here and look through all relevant material below.

  • Watch the hubs testimonials here.
  • ­Watch the Members statements here.
  • ­Read additional Sponsors & Audience statements here.
  • ­Check all the photos here.

#Summit21 Sponsors 

Visit the virtual exhibition booths to learn more about our sponsors.

Founding Members

De-Cix, B1 Systems, Ocean Protocol, A1 Digital, Noovle, Aruba S.p.A, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, OpenNebula, VMware, SysEleven, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Amazon Web Services, Alibaba Cloud, COSMOplat, Huawei, Venture Leap (Non Members).

Mastercard, EIT manufacturing

EUHubs4Data, TNO, Open Telekom Cloud, Google Cloud

Media Partners

De-Cix, eco – Association of the Internet Industry

Watch the Summit Video Opening
Watch the CEO’s messageÂ