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Tech-X Hackathon #6 Follow-up

The Gaia-X Open-Source Software (OSS) Community hosted its sixth Hackathon on 3&4th of May in Bilbao, Spain. It was the first time the developers met face to face to hack together and the first time we had a competition around it, awarding prizes in cash to the winning teams. The hackathon was collocated with the Tech-X conference – the first conference dedicated to the technologies used to make the Gaia-X mission a reality.Β  As in the previous events, it was a hands-on coding event, with teams mixed from different countries, companies and backgrounds, focused on real-life end-to-end scenarios which leverage the Gaia-X Open-Source Software and the Trust Framework.

Almost one year after the Gaia-X Compliance Service was first made available during the 4th Hackathon, it is clear that we moved from the question on what it means to become Gaia-X compliant, to how we put all the pieces together for the end-user. All seven hacking sessions had their activity anchored in a real life use-case, all used the latest implementation of the Compliance Service and all did their best to win a spot on the podium. Read our report to see who won, and check the Hackathon slides for more details.

For follow-ups, reach out to the session organisers (contact info in the report), or join the Gaia-X OSS Community mailing list.


Tech-X Hackathon #6


We are thrilled to announce the prizes for our upcoming hackathon!

*Prizes are per team; therefore, they will be divided equally by the winning team members.

1st prize 3000 Euros

2nd prize 2000 Euros

3rd prize 1000 Euros

Hackathon #6 will be collocated with the Tech-X Conference, a new and broader event which aims to improve the knowledge of the technologies on which Gaia-X is built. We are aiming for an on-site event, with the resources made available afterwards.

The aim is to continue to work towards the implementation of a real-life end-to-end scenario which leverages the Gaia-X Open-Source Software and the Trust Framework. Projects which cover as much as possible from the steps below will be prioritised.

  1. Set the context, the real-life use and why a federation is needed/preferred
  2. Show how the federation is built/used
    a. How cross-organisation identity and management access is implemented using Gaia-X Compliant participant self-description
    b. How offerings are added in a catalogue using Gaia-X Compliant service self-description
    c. How offers for Gaia-X Compliant services can be queried in a catalogue
    d. How catalogues synchronise themselves
  3. Show how data exchange can be done by enforcing the access control described in the Gaia-X Compliant self-descriptions


Get in Touch

For discussions related to the event, you can use the Gaia-X Open-Source Software Community mailing list atΒ You can subscribe to it via the PostoriusΒ link. Other ways to get in touch can be found on ourΒ community page.