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Blog Articles

Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses (GXDCH): Gatekeeper of the data economy

Originally published by Gaia-X Hub Germany: Written by: Thomas Sprenger At the heart of Gaia-X is the idea that people and organizations in the data economy should retain control over their data. But who monitors whether everyone is playing by the rules? In data

Data ecosystem for a climate-neutral energy sector

Originally published by Gaia-X Hub Germany: Authors: Oliver Warweg, Prof. Dr. Michael Laskowski and Thomas Sprenger Data ecosystems play a key role in the climate-neutral energy market of the future. Several research projects and a group of experts at the Gaia-X Hub Germany are

Gaia-X and OpenID Connect

Authors: Julien Vanwambeke, Functional Architect, Gaia-X and Vincent Kelleher, Software Engineer, Gaia-X Introduction You cannot stand anymore having to empty your pockets full of coins and random cards 💳 (credit, loyalty, identity ones for example) to find what you are looking for. That is why

Gaia-X and Verifiable Credentials / Presentations

Authors: Julien Vanwambeke, Functional Architect, Gaia-X and Vincent Kelleher, Software Engineer, Gaia-X Introduction You have just landed and cannot wait to rush into the sea 🌊 to start your holidays 🏝️ ️. But you first must go through the Customs 👮‍♂️.  Hopefully, you are very

Gaia-X and Trust Indexes

Authors: Julien Vanwambeke, Functional Architect, Gaia-X and Alexis Deprez, Full-stack Developer, Gaia-X Introduction The sales season is booming, and you want to find a new washing machine! Perfect timing because you may be able to get a good deal. You already know the functionalities you