deltaDAO AG is now a Gaia-X accredited Digital Clearing House Provider (GXDCH) enabling the creation and management of digital service ecosystems, or X-ecosystems, across various domains, such as manufacturing, industry 4.0, mobility, AI, agriculture, automotive, cloud services, energy, and finance. This fosters innovation and collaboration within and across sectors, and plays a vital role in building trust within the collaborative data economy of tomorrow. Furthermore, the GXDCH facilitate interoperability by providing a standardised way for organisations to demonstrate compliance and appear in Gaia-X catalogues.
As GXDCH provider, deltaDAO AG deliver free core GXDCH services to existing and future lighthouses, Everything-as-a-Service ecosystems, and data space projects and help you to navigate the complexities and requirements of Gaia-X ecosystems successfully.
In summary, the GXDCH serve as a critical infrastructure component across the Gaia-X ecosystem of ecosystems. They enable trust, compliance, and interoperability within and across the Gaia-X ecosystem, ultimately supporting the development of a secure and sovereign European data and digital service infrastructure. deltaDAO AG are proud to contribute to this growing community.