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News Release

Flex4Res and Infra DS become Gaia-X Lighthouse Projects

Congratulations to Flex4Res and Infra DS on becoming Gaia-X Lighthouse Projects! Flex4Res – Data spaces for FLEXible production lines and supply chains FOR RESilient manufacturing – is a Horizon Europe co-funded project that aims to enhance the resilience of European manufacturing and supply chains through

Pontus-X becomes a Gaia-X Lighthouse Data Space

Congratulations to Pontus-X on becoming a Lighthouse Data Space! Pontus-X is the first and largest publicly available European X-Ecosystem. Pontus-X leverages Gaia-X, Ocean Enterprise smart contracts and OASIS to enhance cross-industry data collaboration and compliance with European regulations (Data Act, Data Governance Act, AI Act,

BlueMap joins Gaia-X: Specialists in maritime spatial information systems

Gaia-X AISBL is happy to announce that BlueMap Co. Ltd. has joined as a member of our association. BlueMap is a company specialising in maritime spatial information systems. With their established standards and software technology in the field, they provide enterprise solutions for hydrographic information,

Introducing Tom Last: Gaia-X’s new Evangelist

We are happy to announce that Tom Last will take up the role of Gaia-X Evangelist. Who is Tom? Tom Last is a tech entrepreneur, software developer and cofounder of tech startup elbtech. With an enthusiasm for innovative technologies and building meaningful solutions, he is dedicated to driving

Gaia-X welcomes Cloud Temple, democratising secure cloud solutions

Gaia-X AISBL is delighted to announce that Cloud Temple has joined as a member of our association.  Founded in 2017, Cloud Temple was born with the ambition of democratising the cloud within sensitive sectors, guaranteeing their security, without compromising innovation, in order to meet the

Introducing Thomas Komenda: Gaia-X’s new Evangelist

We are thrilled to announce that Thomas Komenda will take up the role of Gaia-X Evangelist.  Who is Thomas?  Thomas is a Business Developer & Product Owner at deltaDAO AG. His industrial engineering background shapes his understanding of data and the critical role of AI

Gaia-X welcomes Demokritos, advancing interdisciplinary research and innovation

Gaia-X AISBL is pleased to announce that Demokritos has joined as a member of our association. The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Greece, running impactful research and innovation projects, funded by the EU, Private Corporations

Gaia-X Voices: Use Case Testimonials – Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility podcast episode

Digital Road Condition Monitoring – Predictive Infrastructure Maintenance Use Case By Thomas Komenda, Kai Meinke & Albert Peci deltaDAO AG is a German operating ecosystem and software development company. As an accredited Gaia-X Digital Clearing House provider and Gaia-X member, deltaDAO provides data economy services across various Gaia-X ecosystems,