Gaia-X Lighthouse Data Spaces represent an exemplary level of alignment with Gaia-X principles and standards, signifying a distinguished commitment to advancing digital sovereignty and European value creation. Only Gaia-X Lighthouse Projects have the privilege to submit a request to Gaia-X Association for endorsement as Lighthouse Data Spaces. To qualify, the projects must adhere to a set of criteria, including providing a clear roadmap for Gaia-X compliance services, demonstrating scalability potential, and fostering interoperability and portability of data. Lighthouse Data Spaces commit to adopting Gaia-X policies and rules, ensuring alignment with technical requirements and the Gaia-X Trust Framework. Furthermore, they must exhibit a Pan-European footprint, promoting the creation or expansion of data spaces across borders. Upon endorsement, Lighthouse Data Spaces enjoy an array of benefits, including participation in the Gaia-X Endorsed Projects Community, opportunities for validation and industrialisation of Gaia-X development results, and exclusive representation at major Gaia-X events. Additionally, they receive recognition through promotion on all Gaia-X official channels and gain access to shared best practices within Gaia-X ecosystems. Through active participation and contribution, Lighthouse Data Spaces play a vital role in shaping the direction of the Gaia-X initiative while driving innovation and collaboration within the digital ecosystem.
Learn more about the Lighthouse Data Spaces criteria and benefit on Gaia-X Member platform
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Agdatahub: European operator of consents and data exchange platform specialised for farming industry. Agdatahub, the agricultural and agri-food data intermediation platform, trusted third party. Founded by and for the agricultural sector, Agdatahub is the leading player in the circulation of agricultural data in France and Europe in order to meet the food and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow. Our technological solutions are designed to ensure that agricultural data is used in a controlled manner for innovation and consumer information. We put our expertise at the service of one ambition: to bring together all the players in the sectors to disseminate the value of agricultural data!
Automotive Supply Chain
Catena-X: It is one of the first industrial lighthouse projects of Gaia-X. It aims to create a secure and standardised data-based ecosystem for businesses ranging from OEMs, 1st Tier and to small & medium enterprises in the entire automotive value-chain. A joint task force with Gaia-X ended in November 2021, resulting in full technical compliance of the proposed Catena-X architecture with Gaia-X principles.