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Blog Articles

The future of tourism is digital and it’s human!

The future of our economy is driven by the digital economy, a new way to build value on top of the existing ecosystem. It is tied to data infrastructure, sharing information, and optimising the quality of services by extracting insightful data. The last two years were marked by the COVID pandemic, which harshly impacted every aspect of our life, personal and professional. Thus, we need appropriate tools to perform on the job and to build a new digital market based on transparency, controllability, portability, and interoperability.

The CEO series: The Gaia-X Framework Vision Unleashed

The five pillars of openness, transparency, sovereignty, interoperability, and trust serve as the foundation of Gaia-X Framework. We are currently developing a structured federated data space infrastructure ecosystem on top of these pillars. Compliance automation and empowering SMEs and start-ups for fair competitiveness in the free market with the big scalers are essential elements to establishing a data space ecosystem but equally enable sector-specific data spaces.

Health-X: A Common Data Space for the Health Sector

A project headed by the Berlin Charité aims to make data from our smartwatches and fitness apps usable for personalised therapies. The team responsible, led by Harald Wagener, Head of Cloud and IT at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, is developing the German “HEALTH-X dataLOFT” as a joint cloud platform for the healthcare sector. In an interview, the computer scientist explains which applications project partners from research and industry are currently working on, and how citizens can retain control over their data in a digital health system.

Marispace-X creates the data ecosystem for oceans

Over 70 Gaia-X pilot use cases are currently developing the technical requirements for Europe’s future cloud ecosystem. The consortium for “Smart Maritime Sensor Data Space X”, or Marispace-X for short, is exploring what is probably the most inaccessible of all data spaces: our oceans. In an interview, entrepreneur and initiator Jann Wendt (35) describes why the sea only reveals data at great cost and why it is nevertheless worthwhile collecting and above all: sharing with each other.

GXFS-DE publishes explanatory video series

GXFS-DE has started to produce a series of explainer videos. Currently, the focus is on the five work packages of Gaia-X Federation Services:

Identity & Trust
Federated Catalog
Sovereign Data Exchange
Portal & Integration

The videos provide insights and explain the functionality and goals for a non-technical audience.

More Trust in the Digital Space: The Cloud and Gaia-X

Developing digital added value via the cloud so that technology also comes more naturally to SMEs: How the cloud is driving the digitalization of industry and society. And what video calls and Gaia-X have in common – at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt, the Internet and cloud computing industry discussed trust in the digital space.