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GXDCH (Gaia-X Digital Clearing House) – the one-stop place to go and get verified against the Gaia-X rules to obtain compliance in an automated way.

The GXDCH is the necessary element to operationalize Gaia-X in the market. The Gaia-X Framework describes functional specifications, technical requirements, and SW assets necessary to be Gaia-X compliant. The GXDCH are a network of execution nodes for the compliance components that we have developed. This safeguards the distributed, decentralised ways of running the Gaia-X compliance, not operated centrally by the Association, and where anybody can benefit from the open, transparent, and secure federated digital ecosystem – thus making the Gaia-X mission a reality.


GXDCH by T-Systems






GXDCH by Aire Networks



GXDCH by Gaia-X Lab



Click the button below to find more information about the technical guidelines for the service providers aiming at operating a Gaia-X Digital Clearing House.


Click the button below to access the architecture diagram explaining the flow and the components interactions.


The What

GXDCH = Provides Gaia-X Clearance

  1. The GXDCH is a node of verification of the Gaia-X rules;
  2. It is the go-to place to obtain Gaia-X compliance and become part of the Gaia-X ecosystem;
  3. The GXDCH are non-exclusive, interchangeable multiple nodes operated by market operators, acting as a Gaia-X Federator;
  4. They operate and run services of the Gaia-X Framework (compulsory and optional), necessary to achieve compliance and support the onboarding of any Gaia-X adopter;
  5. They integrate to external TA (Trust Anchors), including CAB (Conformance Assessment Bodies) for external asseverations, Identity Verification (like eIDAS), and other TDS (Trusted Data Sources) as defined by the AISBL.

The How

GXDCH = Operationalise the Gaia-X Framework

  1. The Gaia-X Framework has mandatory SW components (those controlling the β€˜Compliance’) as well as optional SW components (referred as the GX Toolset);
  2. The code of compulsory components must run into services providing for the compulsory verifications to become GX compliant;
  3. These services must be run in a physical compute node accessible to anyone;
  4. Each node must be operated by a service provider according to rules defined with and approved by the AISBL;
  5. The AISBL is not an operator of any node, but it has control on the operators for the operations of compulsory services;
  6. Any operator compliant to the requirements defined by the AISBL and featuring the necessary characteristics as defined by the AISBL can become a node;
  7. Each node is connected in a network to ensure free access and selection by Gaia-X adopters and consistency of the compliance data managed by these nodes.


Future operationalisation models of the GXDCH are described here.

The Why

How to become GX Compliant?..Β  How to be visible in GX master Catalog?… How to search for a Gaia-X service?… How to build your own private Catalog?… How to build your own private Federation?… Want to join an existing Federation?… Want to build your own Label?… Want to find a Compliant Data Connector?… Want to offer services or a Compliant Technology?…

Use GXDCH just to obtain compliance and do the rest yourself… or find support at the GXDCH!

GXDCH = One-Stop-Place for Gaia-X

  1. Each GXDCH must provide public services to implement the compulsory elements necessary to achieve Gaia-X compliance (under the sole governance of the AISBL);
  2. Each GXDCH can offer (or resell) services to support the extended adoption of Gaia-X (out of the governance of the AISBL);
  3. Any Gaia-X adopter (user, provider, federator) can use any GXDCH to obtain compliance, join a federation, become a federator (or additional services);
  4. GXDCH act as a one-stop place for Gaia-X services facilitating the concentration and match of Demand and Offer.

Mandatory GXDCH components

  • Gaia-X Registry
  • Gaia-X Compliance
  • Gaia-X notarisation service for the registration number

Optional GXDCH components

  • Wizard
  • Wallet
  • Catalogue