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The Gaia-X Magazine

Home Β» Media Β» The Gaia-X Magazine

The Gaia-X magazine is a biannual journal publishing the finest research in the data space ecosystem following our collaboration with our members, management board, board of directors and external researchers. The magazine presents original work characterised by multifaceted articles of interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions, aiming to provide rapid, authoritative, insightful, and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting our data space ecosystem.

The intention of the magazine is to engage our community, but equally bring new voices to address and discuss the status, progress and significant advances in our delivery, lighthouses, hubs work. It equally presents an open forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Gaia-X and esnure that the results are correctly and rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, science, research, culture, and daily life.

Edition 4 – June 2024

Read our latest edition!

Meet Alberto Palomo, Gaia-X’s new CSO

In edition 4 of the Gaia-X Magazine we would like to introduce you to Alberto Palomo, Gaia-X’s new Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). In addition you will read about the latest project developments, community updates, and upcoming events. Explore the dynamic developments, inspiring stories, and exciting opportunities that define Gaia-X!

This edition can be fully accessed online. Click the button below to read the full magazine.


Stay tuned for the next edition of the Gaia-X magazine – December 2024!

Want to be part of this edition? As a community member, you can! We welcome your input as a Gaia-X Member, Hub or Lighthouse project.

  • Members stories
  • Hub Highlights
  • Lighthouse updates
  • Event Partners

Are you interested to contribute to the upcoming edition? At the bottom of this page you will find more information about the requirements or click the button below to view the submission guidelines! The call for articles for the next edition will open on 16 September 2024.Β 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via


Edition 3 – December 2023

Meet Ulrich Ahle, Gaia-X’s New CEO

In the third edition of the Gaia-X Magazine we would like to introduce you to Ulrich Ahle, Gaia-X’s new CEO. Ulrich sheds a light on the future strategy and challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. In addition you will find a wide range of topics, covering the latest industry trends, community updates, and upcoming events. Happy reading!

This edition can be fully accessed online. Click the button below to read the full magazine.


Edition 2 – May 2023

Women in the Technology Sector

In this edition we speak with Antonietta Mastroianni, Chief Digital & IT Officer at Proximus, about her experience as a women in the technology sector. We also learn about the latest trends and topics within our community, speak with the Gaia-X Market-X partners and discuss past and upcoming events.

This edition can be accessed via the Gaia-X members platform. Click the button below to read the teaser or access the full magazine.


Edition 1 – June 2022

Together Towards a Sovereign European Data Infrastructure

In this inaugural edition we dive into the Gaia-X vision and mission to reflect on what has been achieved so far. In addition, we talk about the European rights and principles, talk about enabling sector specific data, hear from the Gaia-X Hubs and Lighthouses and learn how to use our data.

This edition can be fully accessed online. Click the button below to read the full magazine.


Call for Articles

Stay tuned for the 4th edition of the Gaia-X magazine in June 2024! The call for articles is open until 17 May 2024.

Submission Guidelines

Who can contribute to the Gaia-X Magazine?

Gaia-X Members

Tell your story as a Gaia-X Member. Why did you choose to become a Gaia-X Member? What are you working on and how does it relate to the Gaia-X Vision and Mission?

  • 1500 Characters or 250 word article (1/2 A4)
  • 3 pictures / illustrations

Gaia-X Hubs

Give our readers an update on the latest developments and topics your national Hub is working on. What are the issues and solutions discussed from your national perspective?

  • 3000 Characters or 500 word article (1 A4)
  • 5 pictures / illustrations

Gaia-X Lighthouse Projects

Tell us about the progress made and latest topics discussed in your project! What are the latest developments to create aΒ data exchange platform built on transparency, trust, and openness.

  • 3000 Characters or 500 word article (1 A4)
  • 5 Pictures / Illustrations

Gaia-X Event Partners

Are you involved in a Gaia-X event as a partner? We would love to learn about your insights, what you are currently working on and why you think it is important to collaborate with the Gaia-X community?

  • Amount of Characters depending on partnership type (Between 1500 characters or 250 words – 1/2 A4 – and 3000 characters or 500 words – 1 A4-)
  • Amount ofΒ  pictures / illustrations depending on partnership type

Interested in becoming a partner for the Gaia-X Summit 2023? Find out more on the Summit website or contact