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Gaia-X Update July 2021

Dear Gaia-X friends and fellows,

the summer break is just around the corner (or has already started in some countries), nevertheless there is a lot going on at Gaia-X. All groups within Gaia-X are working towards the milestones shown in our roadmap in the newsletter. In addition, the number of contributors to the project continues to grow – we are happy to have all those who are involved and who, with their knowledge and drive, make Gaia-X a success.

We hope you enjoy reading about the latest Gaia-X’ updates and wish you a nice summertime.

Your Gaia-X Communication Team

Gaia-X’ Milestones

The recently published roadmap shows how Gaia-X will develop strategically over the next year: especially in the technical areas of data spaces, infrastructure, and Federation Services, as well as at the systemic level of our common rules and guidelines. It specifies when which parts of the complex Gaia-X ecosystem are to be developed and how the sub-steps are to be interlinked.

For the technical milestones several hackathons are planned by the end of the year to validate the hypothesis of the roadmap and accelerate Gaia-X’ development. We will soon publish topics of interest for the Gaia-X hackathons and collect ideas: anyone from the interested community can submit technology-related topic suggestions on the mailing list. (Before you can post on it you must register yourself on the mailing list)

Follow the Process of the Architecture Document

Gaia-X is continuously working on its Architecture of Standards, describing, and aligning existing standards and codes of conduct while enforcing data usage policies. Our Technical Committee has recently published the latest version.

Among other things, you will now find an illustration of the Gaia-X Conceptual Model using the example of a Personal Finance Management service, improvement of the policies and network interconnection sections, improvement of several definitions in the glossary and finally the first version of an operating model, paving the way for the first Gaia-X services.

You can follow the continuous process on the Gaia-X Architecture Document at

Co-creation at Gaia-X Hackathons

Several Gaia-X Hackathons are planned until the end of the year, the first of which will take place on 30 and 31 August 2021. Involving the entire community and their diverse skills and abilities, we aim to build technology demonstrators of our MVPs. All interested developers – established contributors as well as newcomers – are invited to contribute ideas for the implementation of the technical milestones and to help develop Gaia-X prototypes.

Together we will prototype open-source software with protocols and software stacks that are of interest to Gaia-X (e.g. DLT, DID, DCAT/DCAT-AP, AS4, SCIM, TOSCA). We also aim to showcase one of the two scenarios described in the June release of the Architecture Document: We are looking for demonstrators that show how the Gaia-X Federation Services and/or the Gaia-X Registry can be used.

The organisational and content planning of the eventwill be communicated by end of this week via the mailing list Sign up for the mailing list to stay informed and register for the first Gaia-X Hackathon.

New Hubs and Members within the Association

Gaia-X Hubs are being launched in more and more European countries. Within the last weeks, the Hubs in Slovakia, the Netherlands, Finland, and Greece have been inaugurated. This means that Gaia-X Hubs have started operations in 20 participating countries. You can find an overview of all national Hubs here.

Moreover, 16 new members have joined Gaia-X, European Association for Data and Cloud, AISBL. This brings the total number of members in the Gaia-X family to 286 – you can find the full list here. Among them are providers or users of data infrastructures, IT start-ups, research institutions and business associations.

In Portrait: COO Dr Dominik Rohrmus

Get to know Dr Dominik Rohrmus: he joined Gaia-X as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in June 2021. This means that he manages, controls, and organises the entire operational processes and operational services for the Gaia-X Association.

Dr Dominik Rohrmus holds a PhD in mechanical engineering. He worked for German SMEs in the industrial and healthcare sectors before re-joining Siemens in 2005 in various roles in manufacturing and production development. There, he founded the Sustainable Production Technology corporate programme, and he has led the research group working on the standardisation of the future for Siemens factories worldwide. Since 2016, Dr Rohrmus has been CTO of the non-commercial and pre-competitive association Labs Network Industry 4.0 e.V.

For our blog, we talked with Dr Dominik Rohrmus about his new role at Gaia-X and took a look into the future. Read the interview.

Winners of Funding Competition

With a funding competition, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is promoting the development of lighthouse projects in the form of use cases within the Gaia-X domains and across domains. These include the areas of Industry 4.0/SME, Health, Finance, Public Sector, Geoinformation, Smart Living, Energy, Mobility and Agriculture.

Recently, the 16 winning consortia of the funding competition “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the Gaia-X digital ecosystem (Gaia-X funding competition)” have been announced. A total of 130 applications were submitted, including many consortia representing SMEs. The winners cover projects from numerous industries. They have successfully demonstrated the economic feasibility and usability of Gaia-X digital technologies and applications, the announcement said. The first of the winning projects are expected to start before the end of 2021.

Job Offers

Gaia-X’ organisational structure is growing and needs the support of professional staff to actively promote the common mission. Currently, the Gaia-X Association is looking for new team members in the fields of software development and communication:

*    Web 3.0 Software Developer (m/f/d)
*    Automation Software Developer (m/f/d)
*    Open-Source Community Manager (m/f/d)

You can find the detailed job advertisements at

Events: Gaia-X Summit & Hackathon #1

30 + 31 August 2021 | Hackathon #1 | Register here to participate.
For more information, see the article above.

18 + 19 November 2021 | Gaia-X Summit 2021 | Save the date!
Let us show you the first tangible results of how the Gaia-X ecosystem will actually work. And which individuals and groups are actively driving Gaia-X forward. Be informed, entertained, and involved! Read more